Seattle Art Museum Treasures of Tutankhamun

Seattle Art Museum treasures of Tutankhamun is among the most successful culturally focused & helps actualize the interest in Ancient Egypt. King Tutankhamun is the boy king who became the Pharaoh of Egypt at a very young age, which has caused much interest among historians, archeologist and common people for decades. The relics found in his tomb include that discovered by Howard Carter in 1922, help visitors to be acquainted with some of the most fascinating treasures in the whole world that belong to mystery of Egypt. This article seeks to establish the importance of the exhibition with focus on an account of the periods of Cairo and a detailed analysis of the appreciation of Egyptian art.

King Tutankhamun: The Great Heritage

And the Seattle Art Museum Treasures of Tutankhamun are not just the demonstration of the wealth and luxury of the young Pharaoh but also the view at the life and religion in Egypt three thousand years ago. King Tutankhamu was an 18th dynasty Pharaoh who might have ruled in the mid to late New Kingdom, a time when religious and cultural transformation was rife. Tutankamun having ruled very briefly his nearly intact tomb which was found in the Valley of Kings in present day Egypt is one of the most significant archaeological discovery in twentieth century.

Tutankhamun’s treasures, viewed by the guests of the Seattle Art Museum treasures of tutankhamun , are a number of stunning items. Relics like golden jewelry, ceremonial utensils, and instruments, funerary mask give about understanding of judgment of the after life and existence of the king and queen of Ancient Egypt. This presentation brings out aspects of living during the time of Tutankhamun and the burial rites that were intended to usher him into eternity.

The discovery that Shock would change history

Tutankhamun’s tomb discovered by Howard Carter in the year 1922 marked a significant step in study of Egyptian history. Prior to this awesome discovery a lot of what was known about Ancient Egypt from scattered and plundered tombs. But the tomb of Tutankhamun they discovered nearly intact, and filled with thousands of things which for thousands of years lay sealed within it. Carter’s attention to details and the many findings that he made came to provide the world with the very chance to catch the view of the untouched wealth of the pharaohs’ tomb.

Thus, at the Seattle Art Museum treasures of Tutankhamun exhibit a visitor can see a re enactment of this scene. The following rooms portray enthusiasm of Carter’s discovery as they go through rooms containing the luxurious artifact that was buried with Tutankhamun. From solid gold figurines to the fancy furniture designs, the exhibition brings out the essence of the discovery and as a museum viewer you are able to get a good feel of an event that has remained a topic of discussion to date.

Treasures on Display: Exploring Egyptian Culture

This paper argues that the presentation of seattle art museum treasures of Tutankhamun at the Seattle Art Museum involves more than pulling together artifacts that are of old age but an organized chronological view of the history of Egypt. This also allows the passing visitor to come across one or the other aspect of the king’s life and death, besides the great artistic evolution that characterized it.

Tutankhamun is one of the funerary masks which is among the major attractions of the exhibition. This dazzling picture is probably the most recognisable one in the whole association with King Tut. It was a golden mask on which semiprecious stones had been inserted, and was put over the pharaoh’s face to guard him in the other world. The works done on the mask bear features of very high standards that leaves everyone in great anticipation, the mask being among the most famous ancient Egyptian masterpiece.

Also in the seattle art museum treasure of Tutankhamun one would find items like royal chariots, statues of gods and goddesses and a set of canopic jars meant for preserving the king’s vital internal organs after the process of mummification. These object could also be used as family herilooms, and were also status symbols with the added function of serving as a source of food and protection for the king in the after life. This aspect of burial practices gave the visitors a rich insight into the religious practices that governed Ancient Egyptian lives and model of burial.

Culture: Living in the Light of the Treasures of Tutankhamun

This paper will argue that the SAM’s presentation of Tutankhamun’s treasures is not simply a collection of shiny objects but a window into the culture of the Egyptians. The excessive interest of people in King Tut and his tomb is beyond geographical limits, and the exhibition has served to educate people about Egyptians across the Globe.

For most people the relics of Tutankhamun stir up the desire to know more about ancient Egypt. This exhibition has attracted millions of people in several museums across the world that have helped people to learn more of Egypt’s impact on art, religion and politics. It goes without doubt that the role which the Seattle Art Museum played in making this exhibition available underscores its endeavors towards delivering positive cultural programs that connect the past with the present.

In addition, the exhibition is an opportunity for scholars, historians, and all fans of Egypt to familiarize themselves with its artistic heritage. The working of the treasures seem very intricate and small carvings on the treasures from narrow borders to gold work to the depiction of the gods and the pharaohs remain diagonal in modern art and designs. Tony’s gaming project concerning Tutankhamun and his treasures enlighten the audience about the ability and importance of ancient peoples even today.

The Attractiveness of the Treasures for Contemporary Consumers

The Treasures of Tutankhamun show in Seattle Art Museum remains more appealing to modern society because the powerful civilization mentioned represents a real opportunity for enthusiasts. One Of the best parts about taking part in an exhibition that covers topics such as this one is that ancient Egypt is often well-known through art, religion, and culture and so and so in films, books, and media.

From the standpoint of families and educators, the exhibition always becomes a useful form of studying. Kids and grown-ups can learn history as well as get closer to the world that existed centuries ago than they could ever imagine. The enamel workmanship on the treasures, in combination with the story behind it in the exhibition, is interesting to all age groups of the travelers.

Moreover, since many questions can be raised about the life and death of King Tut, many people find it even more interesting to tour the exhibition. Due to the controversies on the nature of his death, the character of his reign, and the function of the objects buried with him, guests are left scratching their heads over questions which remain unanswered to this present day, questions which have long puzzled historians and archaeologists. What a great opportunity to immerse oneself into these mysteries: the Seattle Art Museum treasures of tutankhamun has dedicated an exhibition to treasures of the ancient world and it opens the audience up to new encounters with the past.


The Seattle Art Museum treasures of Tutankhamun exhibition is quite a unique chance to observe the greatness of Ancient Egypt. The artifacts from tomb KV62, exposed by Howard Carter in 1922, give an incredible perspective of the life and afterlife of one of the most popular Pharaohs of all times, Tutankhamun’s funerary mask, jewels and objects. In addition to the aesthetic value the exhibition also represents the religious and historical ownership of these artifacts.

While strolling in the Seattle Art Museum treasures of tutankhamun, people find themselves in front of a civilization that developed thousands of years ago with an emphasis on life after death. King Tut’s Tutankhamun and his treasures remain ever popular and this exhibition is a truly immersive journey of art, history and culture like few others.

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